LWML SD DISTRICT Mission Grant Proposal Guidelines
Criteria for Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) South Dakota (SD) District Mission Grant Proposals
Mission Grants may be proposed by individual members, societies, zones, Recognized Service Organizations, and organizations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
Be mission in emphasis, extending the ministry of the Word.
Be current and ready for implementation.
Be well-documented.
Grants situated within the South Dakota District of the LCMS will be approved by the SD LCMS District President or SD LCMS Board of Directors before consideration by the LWML SD District.
Grants that involve a national or partner Lutheran church need approval by the LCMS Chief Mission Officer.
Grants situated in another LCMS district need approval by that LCMS district president and/or the LCMS Chief Mission Officer.
Submitting a Grant Proposal
The resolution should be concise and specific. Submit one (1) electronic copy (preferably as a Word document) via email and one (1) hard copy via postal mail of all documentation to the LWML SD VP of Gospel Outreach.
Include grant goals, needs, purpose for which funds will be used, and the total amount requested. Most LWML SD District Mission Grants are no more than five thousand dollars.
A detailed information paper should clearly delineate background information on needs, use of proposed funds, and how the plans fit into the spreading of the Word in the LCMS.
The following documentation must be included for the grant to be considered.
Current need.
Budget for proposed programs.
Indicate partial funding from other sources and remaining funds.
Who is responsible for implementing the grant and administering funds.
Who has special knowledge of the grant.
Any other information pertinent to the grant.
Grant paperwork must be signed by someone from the submitting entity.
Be ongoing in nature, with assurance of continuing after the grant monies have been expended.
A signed photo/video/testimonial waiver and release form must be included with each proposal.
It is recommended that 3–5 photos in JPG or JPEG format of high-resolution be included.
Submit the electronic copy and the hard copy (postmarked) by August 31, 2025, to:
LWML SD District Vice President of Gospel Outreach
Cathy VandeBraak
129 N. LaSalle Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57110